Singapore Sakura Tree

The most majestic and beautiful flowering tree is a local native tree known as Mempat tree (Cratoxylum formosum). This once locally endangered tree is now found in various Singapore roadsides, parks and housing estates.  In fact Mempat tree was the first tree that planted in 16th June 1963 at Farrer Circus by then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew to mark the start of Singapore’s greening campaign.

After dry spell weather, the Mempat tree will shed its leaves and remains leafless for days before burst into a crown of delicate pale pink blossoms flower that look like the Japan Sakura or cherry blossom Tree.   

Besides the Mempat tree, the other impressive flowering tree that is often mistaken as Singapore Sakura tree is Trumpet tree (Tabebuia rosea).  Trumpet tree will bloom impressively flowering display after a dry spell which normally takes place in April and August period.  The Trumpet tree flower range in colour from pink to white and its form a beautiful carpet of flowers around the tree. 

Trumpet Tree Crown

Trumpet Tree Near My House Park
Trumpet Tree Base

This Trumpet Tree photo is taken near my house garden park using my iPhone 4. It is near the end of the flowering season. Well maybe next year where I capture the spectacular flowering blooming period of the Mempat Tree and Trumpet Tree.

Trumpet Tree Flowers and Seeds
Trumpet Tree Flower

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