Saturday 31 August 2013

Oriental Pied Hornbill Seen At My House Garden Lampost

Oriental Pied Hornbill Seen At My House Garden - Photo by Singapore Sakura Tree
Oriental Pied Hornbill Seen At My House Garden Lampost

This photo is taken by my son. He saw this big bird resting at the lamppost in front of my house garden and he is so excited that he took my Canon Power SX2600HS and snapped a few shots of this big bird. Later when I came back home, he saw me this big bird photo and I told him: Wow son, you had managed to capture a rare native big bird know as Oriental Pied Hornbill.  

Oriental Pied Hornbill had almost disappeared from Singapore sky for many years until it was re-introduced into Pulau Ubin since 2004. NParks, Jurong Bird Park and Singapore Avian Conservation Project team had been working closely to re-introduce Oriental Pied Hornbill since then. I do hope to see Oriental Pied Hornbill more often at my house garden; hopefully I will be the one taking the photo this time. 

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